Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of March 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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The rsol statement on the homepage now is a great start I’m so glad that more info as to what rsol is about and the explanation of the wrongs associated with the registry are described. It’s beautiful. I beleive it is a great start but also beleive it should be more in depth and provide much more detail of the constitutional issues and the ineffectiveness of the registry and the counter productivity that is a result of the current registry scheme and how law makers are using rso for their own personal gain while putting the public at greater risk without regard for the safety of children or the public. After all the public allready has a very negative image towards politicians and we can use that distrust against them. I would really like to see the entire homepage devoted to educating the general public and hopefully getting more people to engage this site. When I refer someone the site we want them to question the registry on any and all levels and question the intent of law makers who enact or introduce these laws. Also maybe have a link for Q and A just to see if we can get non rso to engage in conversation about sine of the issues presented on the homepage.
Don’t get me wrong we as rso need the blog page to stay up to date and informed on current issues and rsol does a great service in providing that info and in no way suggest to not have the blog page I just don’t beleive the general public or any non rso will engage or even read the blogs or issues in the blogs unless we can capture their attention immediately on the homepage. We can use the distrust the public has against politicians to expose their true intent when they introduce and enact these laws as a attraction for the general public to continue reading the site and then explain the counter productivity of the registry by being overburdened and useless to .law enforcement or the public in indentifying the people that are potentialy a real threat and how it makes rso have nothing to lose which increases the likelihood of reoffense. Then go into detail on how the registry is an attack on the constitution and how it is allready spreading and encroaching on the civil rights of other americans besides just rso by creating all these other type of registries across the US. Explain in detail how the cost of the registry is a waste of tax payer money and should be used to employ stratagies that have been proven to work and explain some of the better stratagies.
I really beleive that this strategy will help capture the general publics interest and get people to keep reading and maybe even get involved in our site and our cause.
Totaly agree with timmr I check the site everyday and don’t feel so alone because of it.
Just out of curiosity. For those on probation in Southern California, what kind of home visits from probation do you get? We are half way through, and probation shows up about every 3-4 months, and they always wear their black combat uniforms. Is that normal? My guy has no stipulations besides the regular ones, and he is also on GPS. So, why would they not just show up in civilian clothes? They never find anything or actually really look through anything except the computers, even though his offense had nothing to do with computers and/ or kids and was non-contact. It gives me anxiety attacks, waiting for them to show up. I read on other forums that their POs show up in civilian clothes, so why is it so different here in California?
Mother always said it is wrong to delight in the misfortune of others but this one is a close call… former Illinois State Representative Keith Farnham sentenced to 8 years in prison for Child Pornography…. less than 2 years after sponsoring a bill that increased penalties for – wait for it – Child Pornography.
Then again, Mother also said what goes around comes around.
Post conviction relief…
Anybody had any luck/experience with early release from probation, reduction, expungement involving a 311.11(a) case? Any success stories? Failed attempts?
Trying to figure if I should try (hire an attorney) to try and get me off probation early as well having my felony reduced to a misdemeanor, and expungement. 311.11a felony back in July 2012. 3 illegal files in a collection of more than 1.5TB of legal porn (downloaded mostly from P2P). Took a plea deal in 2013…sentenced to 10 days in jail and 3 years of probation. I have completed 21 months of my probation. Never in trouble with the law before my 311.11a arrest…nor after. No probation violations, have passed a polygraph, and have been attending counseling for 19 months. Stable employment, stable housing, married with two kids, college degrees, etc. Since I took my plea deal before Jan 1, 2014 (before AB20) I’m really hoping to be able to get an expungement. I have heard getting granted early release is pretty hard….have to make quite a case to convince the judge and if probation and/or the DA object…forget it.
As next week we are going to contact a parallel universe, and maybe we can just all go over there and live in peace and harmony:
I’m hoping this parallel universe is all California beachfront property loaded up with bikini girls. Of course, with my luck, it will be more like the North Pole filled up with deeply evil people wanting to torture and otherwise abuse me as if I were an — well, a sex offender (I can’t think of any worse a person – and I use the term “person loosly). And they will probably make me register for my next three lifetimes, do it every week at 20 different places, be posted not only on the Internet but also have entire TV shows dedicated to ruining me, will make me PAY to register (I read about one state that actually makes registrants PAY to be registered!), and if I ever want to step outside my home — which will be a cardboard box in the worst and most dangerous area of this new dimension because I will be homeless in this frozen world, no igloo for me — I will have to first notify them when I will be stepping out, where I am going, who I will be seeing, and when I will be back, and provide my fingerprints (and if I need to go to the bathroom while I’m out, I will be out of luck, as registrants in this new dimension are not allowed to use any bathroom but the one in their home, which will be a real problem for me since I will homeless, which also means bathroomless, and so I will have to be permanently dehydrated and eat nothing under the theory of nothing in, nothing out), once a month I will have to walk up and down every street in a 2-mile radius and knock on every door to announce that I am a registrant, tell them where they can beat me up or kill me, and ask them to spit on me, and I will also be required to lobby for harsher treatment, will be banned from the Internet, and I will be drafted into the Army to be used for target practice and if I somehow survive I will be kicked out with a dishonorable discharge (which is considered to be a felony), and I will not be allowed to have shoes so as to limit how far I can travel, and I will not be allowed to go to church as, did you realize, children are there, and I will be the subject always used in medical research to test the most dangerous new drugs and organ transplant procedures.
But, considering what California imposes, that’s not so bad. I can hardly wait. Heck, I’ll bet I won’t even have to do high match just to post a dumb comment — which I suppose won’t really matter since — see above — I won’t even be allowed on the internet.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen any post here about the proposed ballot measure to kill anyone who engages in sodomy — did I somehow miss it? This is a ballot measure by a Huntington Beach lawyer to authorize the killing by gunshot to the head “or any other convenient method” of anyone who engages in sodomy. Currently it is before the state attorney general for a headline. AG Kamala Harris is seeking to ask the court to block it from going on the ballot:
What do I need to do to get this FIXED
this is STILL in lawbooks and need to be remove!
(1) A statement in writing signed by the person, giving
information as shall be required by the Department of Justice and
giving the name and address of the person’s employer, and the address
of the person’s place of employment if that is different from the
employer’s main address.
(2) The fingerprints and a current photograph of the person taken
by the registering official.
(3) The license plate number of any vehicle owned by, regularly
driven by, or registered in the name of the person.
(4) A list of any and all Internet identifiers established or used
by the person.
(5) A list of any and all Internet service providers used by the
Haven’t been on in the last few weeks. However, this is in response to Michael and his comments on the John and Ken interview with Janice. After listening to the horrendous way they treated Janice, I couldn’t resist posting what I felt was an appropriately scathing response to the interviewing skills ( or lack there of) on their Facebook page. I completed and sent it. Surprisingly, it was not there the following morning. They only retain the positive comments and remove anything that, in any way shape or form, is negative to their image.
Hey, is it official that we can now enter parks in Orange County (not on parole/probation)?
Was wondering if I go with my sister and nephews to a Easter egg event at a Tustin park..
I am hoping someone can explain this to me. If you are a RSO, as a result of a misdemeanor assault with someone who was 17, how is this interpreted when moving to any other jurisdiction/state where the age of minors is 16. I have read that they interpret “your crime” to see where and if it compares to their laws, when deciding if you have to register there. It seems to me there would be “no equal”, meaning no crime, if the age of minority is 16 vs. 18? Am I missing something, aside from the obvious, that it should be the same age in every state?
(Apropos of nothing & ONLY for the sake of argument: why not have a “suicide intention registry” with a list of all people who have attempted suicide or had strong suicidal intentions or ideation? The registry could include names, address, and profession.
1. Wouldn’t you want this information about a pilot or conductor before you got on a plane or train?
2. These individuals can pose a serious threat to public safety – for ALL, not just “the children”.
3. There is a high risk of repeated suicidal attempts.
For the sake of argument only.)
Just a daily slice of “Living with 290”: I have volunteered at an animal shelter for 8+ years. Recently, they’ve told us longer-serving volunteers that we need to re-apply as volunteers and that the new requirements includes agreeing to a background check and providing information on any duo charges, misdemeanors, and felonies. Well, I submitted my paperwork today and we’ll see what results.
The incident and the resulting charges happened 20 years ago.
I’m tired of explaining, tired of asking permission to live my life.
Working with the animals is an important part of my identity and self-worth, but will I now not be allowed to volunteer after having already done so for 8 years.
We’ll see what happens.
I wonder how many people would be on the registry if everybody was included that wasn’t ever charged, dating back perhaps to their high school years. Say if the question posed was: How old were you the first time you had sex, and how old were they? Whenever I ask someone this, they look like a “deer in the headlights”. Just a reality check.